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“A good leader inspires other people with confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves.”

  Over the years, I’ve been on a lot of “plant tours.”  Usually, our guide is the owner or CEO or plant manager, and the focus is usually on the systems and equipment being used in each step of the manufacturing process.  But awhile ago, I was on a tour that was fundamentally different in

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“People can’t see it your way until you first see it their way.”

  Listening is an essential skill whether you’re at work or at home, whether you’re the CEO or an hourly worker.  Yet it’s a skill that many of us either never acquired, or have allowed to lapse.  In a conversation, do you find yourself crafting your next statement of brilliant insight rather than listening to

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“Success is not determined by the flawless execution of a plan. It is determined by how people react to failure.”

“I haven’t failed.  I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”  “The way to succeed is to double your failure rate.”  “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” Lots of thoughts about failure, but it’s an important aspect of business life.  It’s the consequence we must consider anytime we try

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“If your business keeps you so busy that you have no time for anything else, there must be something wrong, either with you or with your business.”

  Do you have time to do things you want to do outside of your business?  Or, said another way, do you feel you have good “balance” in your life?  Obviously, there are times when business activity is high and things can get a little hectic, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.  Over

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“Compensation is an equity issue. People want to know that they are being compensated fairly compared to others doing similar work within the company, and to others doing similar work in other companies. After that, it’s a non-issue.”

It really is that simple, yet we continually find ways to complicate the situation.  For example, let’s say we’ve got two employees, Bob and John.  Bob has been with the company for 20 years, John for only 18 months.  They both do the same work and do it equally well.  In many cases, Bob would

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“People don’t come to work everyday to do a bad job.”

Mostly true.  Sure, there’s the odd malcontent who’s mad at the world and wants to challenge authority, but as a rule, people really do want to do what’s expected of them.  When they don’t perform as expected, there are generally two reasons, both of which are failures of management. The first failure is we tried

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“A company’s culture is defined by what it tolerates.”

All companies have a culture.  In some cases, the culture is one that has been carefully constructed and nurtured, in others, the culture has evolved haphazardly over time, but either way, a culture is present, and it is defined by what it tolerates. Think of IBM in the early days.  They wanted a culture of

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“Let people accomplish your objectives their way.”

Where systems or processes are concerned, it really is essential that everybody use them uniformly.  Imagine an assembly line.  Each station on the line must perform its function in a very precise way, each and every time, or stations further down the line won’t be able to do their work.  But for the most part,

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“We hire for skills and fire for behaviors.”

That’s true isn’t it?  We were excited about our new hire.  He had worked at some great places, been trained in the exact systems and processes we need, and impressed us as someone who is diligent and efficient.  This was going to be a marriage made in heaven.  Unfortunately, we were so impressed with his

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“Progress always involves risk, but you can’t steal second base and keep a foot on first.”

“Change with the world – or it will change without you.” There is always risk with change, and in general, the greater the change, the greater the risk.  But you know what?  There’s also risk in not changing . . . arguably even greater risk. Changes in the business world are coming at us faster

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