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“What Everybody Knows Is Frequently Wrong.”

In his book, “A Class With Drucker” William Cohen talks about the “lost lessons” he learned from renowned management guru, Peter Drucker, as a first-year graduate student in Drucker’s classroom.  One of those lessons was to disregard so-called “conventional wisdom,” avoid being a crowd follower, and draw your own conclusions about a situation based on

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“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.”

Fast Company magazine recently hosted the “Fast Company Innovation Festival” and invited fifty executives, not only from large well-known companies like GE and Nike, but also from relatively obscure companies like Grey North America and Birchbox, to attend.  The only common denominator shared by the participants was they all came from companies known for being

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What’s your New Year’s BHAG?

At the start of the year, everybody ought to have a BHAG.  For the uninitiated, that’s a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal or bee-hag.  And why does everyone need a BHAG?  Well, if you’re one of those rare businesses that blew the doors off last year and all you want to do is let the good

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“Whoever said, ‘If it ain’t broke . . . ‘ “

It’s easy to get a little lax about taking care of your car.  That is, you get in, it starts right up, and then you’re zipping down the road.  No worries, right?  But then, warning lights start appearing on the dashboard or the brakes start to squeak, and you realize you haven’t had it serviced

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Are you a Visionary or an Integrator?

In his book, “Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business,” Gino Wickman envisions an organizational chart with the guy at the top as the “Visionary” and the guy immediately below him as the “Integrator.”  In Wickman’s model, the Visionary is the company’s creative sparkplug, the guy who sees opportunities and possibilities and is always pushing

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It’s all in the execution.

James “Murph” Murphy is a former F-15 fighter pilot who left the Air Force after 12 years to enter the business world.  In his book, “Flawless Execution,” he talks about the rigors of being a fighter pilot, about the exhaustive work pilots do as they prepare to fly a “mission,” and about the concentration and

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“It’s best to be Attila the Hun every day rather than every other day.”

Consistency is a concept that gets a bad rap from time to time.  Playwrite and poet Oscar Wilde once wrote, “Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”  Author Aldous Huxley was even more blunt when he said, “Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life.  The only completely consistent people are dead.”  So some

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What causes sales?

Just about every business tracks its sales in some way or another.  But not all of them track what causes sales.  Curious, don’t you think?  If we know what causes sales, we can do more of that (whatever “that” is), and our sales will go up.  So why wouldn’t we want to track what causes

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Oh, and another thing (about showing initiative)

Our last posting talked about the oft-heard complaint, “Why doesn’t anyone ever show a little initiative around here?”  In it, we suggested that a company’s culture needs to make it “safe” for people to take some risks, be creative, and “show some initiative.”  We also noted that a company’s values, that collectively make up its

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“Why doesn’t anyone ever show a little initiative around here?”

Have you ever said that to yourself?  Well, as it turns out, there is a reason people don’t take on challenges unless you direct them . . . and you’re probably looking at that reason every morning in the mirror.  If you really want people to take a few risks, be creative, and show a

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