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Home 2018 January

“Compensation is an equity issue. People want to know that they are being compensated fairly . . . “

The Overture Group is an executive search firm with an additional specialty in compensation consulting.  We recently heard a presentation by Bob Lindeman and Mark Reilly, both managing directors of that firm.  They reminded us that compensation is (or should be) a strategic issue, not a simple, tactical, what-are-we-gonna-pay-this-person issue.  And our strategy should consider

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“Prioritizing causes us to do things that are, at the least, uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful.”

Setting priorities.  That’s something many entrepreneurs struggle with.  In fact, entrepreneurs are sometimes likened to crows who get distracted by every new shiny thing that comes along.  Unfortunately, this creates confusion as employees try to keep up with ever-shifting priorities.  In other cases, instead of setting priorities vertically with the most important at the top

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