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Home 2014 January

“I don’t care if people don’t like me as long as they respect me!”

Respect is a key element of leadership.  That is, it will be extremely difficult for a leader to lead without earning the respect of his or her followers.  Followers may do what the leader demands because they must in order to earn a paycheck, but their work will lack energy, and it will lack commitment. 

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“It’s best to be Attila the Hun every day rather than every other day.”

Consistency is a concept that gets a bad rap from time to time.  Playwrite and poet Oscar Wilde once wrote, “Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”  Author Aldous Huxley was even more blunt when he said, “Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life.  The only completely consistent people are dead.”  So some

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