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Home 2012 January

“Increased productivity comes from continually identifying areas where you can achieve 80 percent of your results from 20 percent of your efforts.”

Vilfredo Pareto was an early twentieth century Italian economist who gave us the 80/20 rule.  We hear it most commonly used in reference to sales . . . 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent of your customers.  But the mistake we often make is to spend too much time trying to get

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“Communication is to leadership as the swing is to golf; everyone can do it, but few do it well.”

Consistently, “being in the know” ranks near the top of employee satisfaction surveys. People want to know what’s going on around here. They want to know what their part is. They want to know how events, both good and bad, are impacting the company. And why shouldn’t they? After all, it’s their company and their

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