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Home 2010 September

“One of the greatest challenges as a manager is how to delegate so effectively that once you have gotten the monkey off your back, your employees don’t return it to you . . . with instructions for its care and feeding.”

An important part of leadership, delegation, is growing the people who are under the leader’s care.  It takes time and it takes effort, but it’s the only way to develop a strong, effective team. Picture this.  You’ve just given one of your direct reports an important assignment.  Soon the direct report returns with questions, lots

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“If your horse dies, get off.”

Inertia can be a terrible thing.  It can keep us rooted in decisions and activities that may no longer be productive.  It can keep us astride ol’ Trigger long after it has become obvious that Trig isn’t going anywhere. For example, let’s say we launch a new product or service, but the new offering isn’t

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